Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

‘Socialist Nadia gives us a voice’

Hear from Hannah Sell, Socialist Party general secretary, about campaigning for Nadia standing for TUSC in Bevois ward, Southampton

Socialist Students: solidarity to US college protests against war

Readers will have seen the threats of exclusions and violence against student anti-war protesters on university campuses in the US.

The Socialist Party is part of the CWI Click for CWI website

Councils can fight back against climate chaos

Councils can kick profit out of public transport for a free, high-quality transportation system we can rely on.

Tories use Cass review to stoke division

Fight for fully funded services under working-class democratic control

TV review: ‘Defiance – Fighting the Far Right (1976-1981)’

Defiance is an inspiring and moving three-part documentary. It focuses on working-class community responses to the racist National Front (NF) in 1970s London and Bradford.

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