Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Monday, April 29, 2024

Socialist Party Audio files

Tories punish the poor

Audio files for The Socialist issue 968, 25 October 2017

Audio issue listing | Back issues

01 Editorial of the Socialist, issue 968 Socialists.mp3

02 What is ‘Article 155’ Francoist repression.mp3

03 Students’ union calls 48-hour general strike.mp3

04 1967 Abortion Act reflected social changes Fight.mp3

05 Ireland fighting to win the right to choose.mp3

06 Kurdish referendum declared illegal For a united.mp3

07 Universal Credit chaos Tories punish the poor.mp3

08 Fearful Tories mull borrowing to build For a.mp3

09 Kids wait 18 months for mental healthcare Kick.mp3

10 Profit-driven pesticide use now threatens life.mp3

11 Profiteering NHS counter-fraud firm in alleged.mp3

12 Them & us Prizes for them Finance.mp3

13 Free baths for MPs bedroom tax for us Tory.mp3

14 What we saw May on Facebook May gave an.mp3

15 Aslef members must reject poor Southern Rail.mp3

16 Arriva North West bus drivers strike over pay.mp3

17 Shop stewards solidarity meeting brings together.mp3

18 Manchester lecturers walk out Lecturers at the.mp3

19 Hear from socialists involved in struggles the.mp3

20 Angry east London residents organise against.mp3

21 Trade unionists march to defend 650 local jobs.mp3

22 Bad Art’s Leicester event showcases local anti-.mp3

23 Storm Brian cannot withstand working-class anger.mp3

24 Film The Death of Stalin Well-deserved ridicule.mp3

25 Film – Dennis Skinner Nature of the Beast The.mp3

26 New musical on life of Castro The new musical ‘.mp3

27 The Socialist inbox Do you have something to say.mp3

28 Featured letter obesity epidemic The alarming.mp3

29 World shaken! I’ve just heard the last episode.mp3

30 Democracy de-not-cracy Democracy at Labour.mp3

31 Customer isn’t right Jobcentre attendees are.mp3

32 Monarchy menace Socialists were given a timely.mp3

Audio issue listing


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