Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist issue 913

24 August 2016

Kick out the Blairites

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The Socialist issue 913

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spotKick out the Blairites

#KeepCorbyn: The establishment media, the fat-cat bosses, both wings of the Tories, and the Labour right have formed an axis. An axis against Corbyn’s anti-austerity call.

spot#KeepCorbyn: Answer right’s attacks with firm socialist programme

It is no accident that as ballot papers were sent out in the Labour leadership contest, London mayor Sadiq Khan chose this moment to attack Jeremy Corbyn

spotCorbyn union nominations round-up and view from the workplace

#KeepCorbyn: More trade unions have announced they are backing Corbyn in the Labour leadership contest. Meanwhile, a minority have endorsed right winger Owen Smith in a joint letter to the Daily Mirror. Union members respond.

spot#KeepCorbyn: huge support at rallies and among Labour rank and file

Thousands attend rallies while constituency Labour Parties continue to endorse the anti-austerity leader.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotBlack footballer’s taser death: stop police racism now

Ex-footballer Dalian Atkinson was repeatedly tasered by police at his home in Telford, Shropshire on 15 August. His death follows those of many other black people at the hands of police.

spotPay still below pre-crisis levels

There has been a lost decade for wage growth. Figures released by the Office for National Statistics show the income of working households is down £400 a year on pre-2008 levels.

spotTrain fares to rise again – nationalise railways now!

Sick of getting into work feeling like a two-day-old used face wipe? Well soon you will have to pay an extra 1.9% for the privilege. Regulated rail fares will rise again next year in line with this year’s ‘RPI’ inflation figures.

spot£500m on civil service redundancies in two years

Whitehall spent more than half a billion pounds on redundancy payments in two years, according to its own major departments’ figures.

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us. New Duke of Westminster inherits billions; private landlords received £9 billion last year in tenants’ housing benefit.

International socialist news and analysis

spotTrump in trouble – political polarisation deepens

The US presidential election campaign is heading into its final phase now the Democratic and Republican conventions are over. The result was the anointing of the two most unpopular major party nominees in living memory, although Donald Trump is winning the unpopularity competition.

spotInternational news in brief

Short stories from other sections and co-thinkers of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Socialist Students launched in the United States; Hong Kong multinational take socialist to court; Canadian socialists join World Social Forum.

Socialist readers’ comments

spotReaders respond to Trotskyist red scare smears by capitalist media

The renewed interest in socialist ideas has shaken cosy Westminster politicians, leading to fresh attacks on Militant, now the Socialist Party, and Trotskyism. Members of the Socialist Party defend our achievements against the lies and distortions of the capitalist media.

spotWould you call G4S for help over discrimination?

The Tories have handed the contract for the government’s Equality Advisory and Support Service discrimination helpline to notorious privatisers G4S.

spotThe Socialist inbox

Letters to the Socialist’s editors. SDP splitters, no to nukes, Brexit’s bullying bosses, mammoth pay, PLP panic.

Workplace news and analysis

spotDeliveroo strike action forces bosses to back down

Striking driver talks to the Socialist: The six-day strike by Deliveroo drivers in London, organised by the IWGB union, has forced the bosses to back down and won concessions.

spotJunior doctors set for further strike action

Most junior doctors have moved to new posts this month but their contract dispute continues. 58% voted to reject the latest Department of Health ‘offer’ In July. No talks or revised offer have been forthcoming since.

spotA day in the life of a call centre worker

“I am on a zero-hour contract with the promise of 16 hours if I am good”

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles. Rizty cinema workers ballot for fresh round of pay strikes; unsuccessful Blairite strategist calls for crushing of rail unions.

Save our NHS

spotSave our NHS!

Beginning under the Margaret Thatcher governments of the 1980s, the NHS has been hit by decades of worsening privatisation and attacks. Now, even the mainstream media can no longer hide the continuous, vicious cuts that this government is making to our health service.

spotThe threat of private health insurance

As waiting times for NHS treatment lengthen, more people can be tempted by private medical insurance. This is a dangerous trend – for the NHS and for all but the wealthiest few.

spotOrganise against secretive NHS cuts plans

“The biggest attack on the NHS you’ve never heard of” – that’s how the deeply secretive plans being drawn up by NHS bosses were described by one report. Thanks to funding cuts, rip-off PFI schemes, and privatisation, the NHS is groaning under a £2.5 billion deficit

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotGreenwich council tenants: We won’t pay! We won’t move!

Greenwich council is threatening 22,000 council residents with a rent increase in April 2017. The council has indicated that it will implement the housing act, including ‘pay to stay’.

spotLocal estate agents back Butterfields tenants

Estate agents are not generally known to turn down business. And with the property market in Walthamstow, east London booming, tenants and supporters of under-threat Butterfields did wonder what kind of response they might get on their “estate agent crawl”.

spotNottinghamshire Pride makes history

This year’s Pride march in Nottingham on 30 July was a far cry from the corporate-sponsored ‘respectability politics’ of integration into the capitalist establishment.

spotImmingham residents’ housing battle

Hundreds of residents in the Washdyke estate flats were shocked to find out that their housing association had drawn up plans to empty and later demolish their homes.


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