Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

British Perspectives 2015


Document on British Perspectives

Socialist Party congress, 14-15 February 2015: This document was produced on 5th January 2015 and subsequently some amendments were incorporated during and following the 14th February congress discussion on Britain, writes Socialist Party executive committee, January 2015.

Overture to the struggle to come

9. These factors have undeniably delayed and made more complicated the struggle against austerity. It would be completely wrong, however, to suggest that they have prevented it. The working class has repeatedly

Weak and unstable government

16. Whichever party has the most MPs after 7 May, it is likely to have real difficulties forming a stable government or even any government at all. It is not ruled out that they will have no choice but

Tory-led government

21. While increasing numbers of working class people dismiss all of the three big parties as 'the same', there is still another layer who will vote Labour hoping that they will at least be a little bit

Labour-led government

25. What would the differences be between a Labour minority government and a Tory one? Little of substance. Tony Blair has already started to publicly lay the blame for Labour losing the general election

Quagmires ahead!

32. There are many issues which will be problematic -to put it mildly - for the next government. Central of course is the economic crisis and the huge struggles of the working class that will be on the

Protest votes

39. As the existing parties are weakened, other 'populist' forces are stepping into the vacuum. This process will accelerate under the next government, particularly before the formation of a new workers'

Dysfunctional system

44. Britain effectively now has a five party system, excluding Scotland and Wales. In terms of the balance of power in Westminster, it will be a six party system, as the SNP could be the third biggest

New mass workers’ party

46. In the last year, the Collins Review has destroyed the final vestiges of a collective voice for the trade unions within the Labour party. Last year's perspectives document was written before the Collins

Potential flashpoints for class struggle

50. There are multiple issues over which struggle could develop in the next period. When there is a seemingly immovable blockage at the top, workers search for a way round it. Explosions can take place


60. The political situation is extremely unstable, making it impossible to accurately predict exactly how events will develop. However, some points are very clear. The next government will be highly unstable

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