Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 9, 2024

British Perspectives 2014


British Perspectives 2014

1. This document should be read in conjunction with the 'Thesis for the World Situation' agreed at the 2013 meeting of the International Executive Committee and circulated for discussion at our national


9. At root the growing radicalisation that is developing is a reflection of capitalism's continuing inability find a way out of the crisis. The hopes of the capitalists worldwide, that their system would

Industrial struggle

20. The savage attacks required to achieve this will provoke mass opposition from the working class. However, the failure of the trade union leaders to lead the struggle against austerity can mean that

An array of flashpoints

40. Even while the blockage at the top seems immovable, the working class can find ways round it. Explosions can take place on all kinds of issues, sometimes of a seemingly secondary character, as workers

Mass workers’ party

50. Despite Labour's role in power at local level, the majority of trade union leaders encourage their members to cling to the hope that a Labour government will come to their rescue - despite all evidence

Prospects for the general election

61. The timing of the general election is not certain. One of David Cameron's first acts on coming to power was to institute undemocratic arrangements for five-year fixed parliamentary terms, providing

Scottish independence and the national question

67. If Scotland was to vote for independence it would be a blow to British capitalism in general, and the Con-Dem government in particular. It would introduce even more instability into the situation

Europe and UKIP

70. Opinion polls vary on attitudes to the EU. Some in the last six months have given a majority to leaving the EU, while the most recent puts the support for leaving at 28%, with another 38% wanting to

Europe, the Tories and a referendum

71. Only the weakness of the opposition has acted as a cover for the extreme weakness of the coalition, including of its major party. The humiliating defeat of Cameron over Syria gave a glimpse of what

Beyond the general election

75. The undermining of the social base of all capitalist parties is a feature of the post-Stalinist world, and is accelerating in the age of austerity. The Tories fear that their membership has fallen

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