Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 11, 2024

British Perspectives 2012


British Perspectives

This document was first drafted in January 2012 by the Socialist Party executive committee; subsequently some amendments were incorporated during a discussion at the party's congress on 10-12 March 2012...

Enfeebled British capitalism

17. Besieged on all sides, the coalition government is thrashing around in a desperate search to break the logjam...

Summer’s riots

31. This sense of alienation - combined with heavy-handed police harassment - was one of the factors in the riots of last summer...

Immigration and the far right

43. As the crisis has intensified, the issue of immigration has come to the fore once more. One report asserted that 'immigration', particularly from Eastern Europe, has had an effect on employment,...

Public sector

49. But the primary battle of the whole of the Labour movement in the next period will centre on the public sector...

The main parties

69. Given all these factors the question is posed: how long can the government last? Can it defy the odds and last the full term? It is unlikely - to say the least - that Cameron, who has already performed...

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