Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Planning Green Growth

Preface to Planning Green Growth

This important and timely new pamphlet (published on the eve of the 'Earth Summit' in Johannesburg), analyses the causes and scope of environmental destruction across the globe and asks what is the way forward, writes Pete Dickenson.

Introduction to Planning Green Growth

To avoid embarrassment, at a time when famine is sweeping the region, some of the governments involved are making cosmetic cuts in their delegations and restricting extravagant consumption of luxury items...

The Nature of the Problem: An Impending Environmental Crisis

Few, except for George Bush and his carefully picked 'experts', who speak for the interests of the oil companies and other multinationals, argue against the view that we face an impending environmental crisis...

The Scale of the Problem of Environmental Threats

The scale of the environmental threats facing us need to be understood, so that the difficulty in mitigating and then eliminating them can be estimated...

Is sustainable growth possible on a capitalist basis?

Most capitalist politicians now pay lip service to sustainability, so what are the prescriptions they are putting forward to achieve this...

The Kyoto agreement

The fiasco over the Kyoto agreement is a good example to demonstrate the inability of the capitalist system to tackle the crisis...

The Green Movement Agenda for Sustainability

There are many variations of the Green and environmental movement agenda, so any categorisation must be approximate and recognise that there is overlap between them...

The Green Growth Agenda

Green growth proponents can be divided into two camps, those advocating 'hard' and 'soft' sustainability...


Eco-socialism is still marginalised in the Green movement, but as the total inability of capitalist solutions to solve environmental problems become more apparent, interest in it will inevitably grow...

A Socialist Programme for the Environment

The earth is clearly on the path to ecological catastrophe. This road will be marked by, amongst many other examples, the destruction of large areas of the inhabitable globe due to global warming, the...

A Socialist Plan for Sustainability

Environmental intensity is the key factor in trying to deal with the environmental effects of increased consumption, and there are three ways a reduction in its value can be achieved...

The Techniques of Socialist Planning

After the initial time of rapid expansion, a steady state society will emerge where the enormous power of planning, combined with the release of human resourcefulness and energy under socialism, will enable huge steps to be taken to preserve the environment...

Planning and the environment

Democratic, rational planning will permit a consistent improvement in ecological conditions to be achieved over many decades until full sustainability is reached...

Lessons from the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was the world's first workers' state and at its beginning was a beacon for all the poor and downtrodden throughout the planet...

A programme for sustainable growth

A long-term programme of investment in renewable energy sources must be a priority, leading to the progressive replacement of oil, gas, coal-fired and nuclear power stations...

Background Reading

Cline, W R. 'Scientific basis for the greenhouse effect' Economic Journal, No 101 (July) 1991, p 904-19...


Barry Commoner, the well known environmental writer and theorist, first developed the equation in the 70s, later modified into the form I=P.C.T...

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