Trade Unions
NUM National Union of Mineworkers
NACODS National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers
COSA Colliery Officials Staff Area
TUC Trades Union Congress
NGA National Graphical Association
TGWU Transport and General Workers’ Union
ISTC Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
EEPTU Electrical, Engineering, Plumbers and Technicians Union
NUR National Union of Raliwaymen
AEU Amalgamated Engineering Union
CPSA Civil and Public Services Association
BLOC Broad Left Organising Committee
Political organisations
LPYS Labour Party Young Socialists
CP Communist Party
SWP Socialist Workers’ Party
MP Member of Parliament
Industrial organisations
NCB National Coal Board
BSC British Steel Coporation
ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Other organisations
MI5 The name given to Britain’s internal secret service
MI6 The name of Britain’s external/foreign secret service
GCHQ The government’s surveillance centre at Cheltenham