London Socialist Party
On Saturday 13 May, thousands marched through central London to mark 75 years since Nakba, (see ‘Nakba 75 years on – fight for socialist change to end Palestinian oppression’). Members of the Socialist Party took part in the protest, giving out leaflets calling for a new socialist intifada as the only way to challenge the occupation and repression faced by ordinary Palestinians. The crowd was loud and determined as it marched to Downing Street for a rally, in which Jeremy Corbyn spoke alongside speakers and solidarity messages from a number of trade unions.
This year’s protest took place against the backdrop of the recent anti-government and pro-democracy protests in Israel, as well as the recent attacks on Gaza which resulted in the killing of three children and others. There is currently a ceasefire, but this is not a long-term answer to the conflict which has taken thousands of Palestinian lives. Only through the coordinated struggle of Palestinians alongside the Israeli working class can a peaceful socialist future be posed.