Swansea Socialist Party campaign stall
Swansea Socialist Party campaign stall

Chris Newby, Socialist Party finance department

Socialist Party members have been busy, standing in the recent local elections as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, supporting striking workers and much more. Our papers and material put forward a programme for what’s needed next to win the struggle. In the elections we raised the need to vote for anti-austerity candidates who represent the interests of working-class people. On the picket lines, our strike bulletins raise the need to co-ordinate action and to fight for inflation-proof pay rises.

For this, we produced thousands of leaflets and other material. As a reader of the Socialist can you support our vital work by making a donation to fund the fight for socialism?

Have you bought the Socialist on picket lines or from Socialist Party members out campaigning, and are prepared to donate a fiver or tenner to help the Socialist Party’s campaigning work?

Socialist Party branches are looking at many different ways to help raise the funds we need. In Northampton we organised a very successful Eurovision social raising £82.50. Following the elections, several branches held post-election socials where they raised £74.20 in Birmingham and £50 in Southampton. Socialist Party members in Bristol watched a documentary on Militant in Liverpool and raised over £35 and in Camden, north London, £32 was raised at a hummus feast.

All of this is on top of the many campaign stalls we hold across England and Wales every week. Please donate and help us to continue to produce our campaigning material.