Every quarter, the Socialist Party sets itself the target to raise £25,000 through our public campaigning. The money is vital to fund all our work, including things like the posters and leaflets that we take out with us when we are campaigning.
The deadline for this quarter is upon us at the end of September. We still have £6,361 to raise.
What can your Socialist Party branch do to meet its target, and to help your region meet its target too? Can we squeeze in a final big campaigning stall before the end of the quarter – speaking to as many people as possible about how to build the socialist opposition to Starmer’s cuts?
Lots of branches have planned this for Saturday 21 September – using it as an opportunity to ask those who support our campaigning to buy a copy of the Socialist Party and donate to our fighting fund.
Let’s make sure we meet the target and strengthen the socialist fightback.