Voter turnouts down – Fight for a real socialist alternative

Adam Gillman, Previous Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate

Only one in two adults living in the UK voted in the 2024 general election – the lowest since universal suffrage. There is a massive gap between the proportions of younger and older people voting, and a widening gap between homeowners and renters. The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has warned the new Labour government, already unpopular with shallow support, that low turnouts approach a ‘tipping point’ of the political system’s legitimacy.

There is growing disillusionment amongst working-class and young people. Many see that there are no mass workers’ parties fighting for a mass building programme of high-quality council housing and an end to austerity. And the only parties they see just offer more massive cuts and privatisation of our public services, then who can blame them for not voting?

Parties of all different colours have cut our services and driven down living standards, and people are sick of it. Not voting is one expression of working-class anger at the establishment.

The capitalist establishment is concerned that these low turnouts and turnout inequality will delegitimise governments that act in the interest of the bosses and continue to attack the living standards of working-class people, spurring mass discontent and anger at the system.

The Socialist Party fights to build a real alternative: a democratic mass workers’ party with a socialist programme that fights for an end to austerity, for the nationalisation of rail, mail, energy, the banks and the big monopolies under democratic workers’ control. If that was an option on the ballot, that would enthuse young people. That’s why I stood as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition as an 18-year-old in last year’s election – to offer a socialist alternative.

Hundreds of thousands of young people joined and campaigned for the Labour Party when Jeremy Corbyn was leader. His programme, including free education and council house building, electrified the situation. This shows what’s possible. If you’re interested in fighting back against the capitalist system then join the Socialist Party today!