Give us the resources to defeat the Tories

Ken Douglas, Socialist Party national treasurer

We are appealing to all our readers and supporters to make a donation to the Socialist Party. We depend solely on the support of ordinary people – the Socialist Party has no rich backers.

Jeremy Corbyn has tapped into the huge anger that exists against austerity. But we can’t wait until 2020 to fight the cuts – working class communities are being slaughtered by council cuts now. Workers are losing thousands because of cuts in tax credits and students are being hit by hikes in fees and the abolition of grants. We need to build a mass movement now to organise that anger.

That’s the message we are helping to spread on this demonstration. Our placards, banners and leaflets have cost thousands of pounds. Can you help with these costs? £20 will pay for 20 placards; £50 will pay for 1,000 leaflets; £200 will pay for a banner.


We need your support. We are fighting for a socialist alternative where the enormous wealth in the world, that today is overwhelmingly in the hands of the super-rich 1%, is democratically owned and controlled by the majority. It can then be used to build a socialist society based on meeting the needs of everyone, and looking after the environment and creating a sustainable future.

You can pay through our website at , telephone 0208 988 8777 or send a cheque or postal order to PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD