Steve Score
The fight to stop the closure of the East Midlands Congenital Heart Centre at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, stepped up a gear following a hugely successful public meeting on 24 September.
150 people attended and were determined to save the centre. The unit is one of three specialist heart centres threatened with closure by NHS England.
Many parents came with their children who have been treated at Glenfield Hospital. They made passionate pleas for the centre to stay open. Glenfield has 50% of the entire country’s capacity for the lifesaving ECMO skills and equipment for example.
Speakers included leading trade unionist and Socialist Party member Gary Freeman, who spoke out against NHS England’s arguments for ending children’s heart surgery at Leicester. Patients Amanda French and 18 year old Ria Pahwa also spoke on the platform.
A campaign to build support for a mass protest march through Leicester on 29 October was launched. 5,000 leaflets were taken away by people to give out in their neighbourhoods and workplaces.