A three-day strike between 27-29 November shook the regime in Sudan. According to reports from activists and supporters of the CWI in Sudan, universities, schools, market places, public transport and many private businesses, cafes, shops and restaurants were closed.
In the face of open threats issued by the autocrat Omar al-Bashir, and the intimidation tactics of his notorious security forces, this nationwide shutdown was a remarkable success.
The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back was the new cuts in state subsidies (a 30% hike in fuel and electricity prices) announced by the government on 3 November, which for many poor Sudanese represented a vital lifeline, and separated them from starvation and disease.
A majority of the Sudanese people are absolutely fed up with the corrupt and brutal 27 year-long rule of al-Bashir. The overthrow of this regime should be the order of the day, which could be greatly assisted by a new, well-prepared mass general strike.