A recent Refugee Action report (bit.ly/2GFCd1y188/) reveals how those who flee persecution or war are systematically mistreated by the Home Office, notorious for implementing Theresa May’s “hostile environment” for migrants.
Lawanya of Refugee Rights campaign said: “Many refugees who have already undergone torture in their home country, are facing mental pressure and depression because of this asylum process. Having escaped hell, they are then forced to undergo detention, impoverishment and even homelessness… their lives are left in limbo.”
Mathan from Sri Lanka, was detained for three months and asked to work for £1 an hour in the detention centre.
Lawanya herself was detained on her wedding day so that she and her husband were forced to exchange rings at the detention centre.
Refugee Rights demands:
- Immigrants who have been tortured should not be detained and detainees should be compensated. Shut down the detention centres
- Refugees should be allowed to work and study
- Access to free healthcare services
- Refugees should not be treated as criminals
- More at refugeerightscampaign.org