Dan Smart, Bristol North Socialist Party
Young people face attacks on all fronts – sky-high rents, astronomical tuition fees, and the threat of mass job losses when furlough ends in September. We increasingly realise that we have no future under capitalism – a system which puts the wealth of a tiny minority, the super-rich, ahead of the basic needs of the overwhelming majority for decent housing, public services and jobs. Not to mention the existential threat of climate change.
But there is hope for a better society when we get organised. In preparation for the Youth Fight for Jobs day of action on 9 October, young Socialist Party members in the South West got together to discuss our plans to fight back.
Our WhatsApp group gathered a lot of interest for our meeting, so we had a good turnout. At the meeting, one suggestion was to build a petition and march to deliver it to Tory MP Chris Skidmore’s office. Skidmore’s office was ’empty plated’ after he voted against giving kids free school meals over the summer; apparently he doesn’t want to be found. We agreed to organise an event in Bristol and another in Devon.
We agreed to set up social media events, utilising the artistic skills of our young members to create engaging promotional material we can disseminate by leafleting, postering, and online. We will approach other organisations across the city to seek their endorsement.
We’re also joining another march later in October, organised by Bristol Unemployed Workers Centre, with the involvement of the trades council. This connection of youth to the trade union movement will be essential for our struggle for well-paid, secure, fulfilling employment for all.