Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Wellingborough socialists make a stand
What started out as a meeting called by Independent Socialists in Wellingborough (ISW) aiming to discuss tactical voting in the general election, ended in the ISW deciding to stand a candidate itself!
Lee Dunkley, Northampton Socialist Party
This open meeting took place on 4 February, after the ISW and its councillor, Paul Crofts, put out an invitation to local activists and campaign groups to a discussion on political representation.
Northampton Socialist Party members participated in the meeting, and outlined the pro-capitalist, anti-working class nature of New Labour. This steered the discussion towards the need for a new workers’ party and the developments in left unity through the new Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) deciding to stand candidates in the general election.
There was caution regarding TUSC at first, with some commenting that they didn’t want to be in a Socialist Alliance mark two “if the SWP were to take over again”. However TUSC was welcomed by the 30 or so campaigners present (the largest meeting in ISW’s recent history) after it was explained that the coalition is rooted in trade unionism and combative elements of the working class – rather than being simply a collection of left groups.
Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor and TUSC parliamentary candidate for Coventry North East, will be speaking at the upcoming ISW meeting on 25 February where a ISW candidate will be selected.
The reception of TUSC at the 4 February meeting was very promising, and it is now anticipated that the ISW parliamentary candidate for Wellingborough and Rushden may stand under this banner. This would mark a big step forward, in joining up local campaign groups with trade unions and national left groups, along the road to building a new workers’ party.
New coalition sponsors this week…
A new round of sponsors for the TUSC general election challenge have come in this week, some of whom are listed below. All sponsors appear in a personal capacity.
To add your name either write to TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP or e-mail [email protected]
Donations can also be sent to TUSC, with cheques payable to Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.
Janice Godrich PCS national president Gary Hassell RMT national executive, South East Brian Ingham University and College Union national executive Roger Bannister Unison national executive Dave Grant Lincolnshire Road Car RMT branch secretary Frank Riley Former Labour deputy leader, West Lancashire council Marion Lloyd PCS national executive April Ashley Unison national executive Caroline Butchers Carmarthenshire NUT young teachers’ rep Rob Williams PCS national executive Joe Rukin NUS national treasurer, 2005-07 Jared Wood RMT LU rep, Neasden branch Councillor Jackie Grunsell Huddersfield Save Our NHS Paul Cooney Huddersfield Health Unison branch secretary Emily Kelly PCS national executive Judy Griffiths Coventry CWU branch secretary Councillor Rob Windsor Coventry Socialist Party councillor Roger Davey Chair, Unison Wiltshire Health branch Rob Williams Unite convenor, Linamar Swansea Rob Rooney Plymouth City Unison steward