Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

British Perspectives 2017


Perspectives for Britain 2017

1. Britain in 2017 is crisis-ridden and unpredictable. The reasons for the increased instability are, at root, the consequences of the capitalist crisis, including the hollowing out of support for all

Consequences of Brexit vote

8. In the 2016 British Perspectives document we stated: "It is possible that the EU referendum could become a means by which many workers express their rage at continued austerity and wage restraint

Right populism

15. Many on the left discount the disarray of the capitalist class, or, even if they recognise it, insist that the only gainers from it can be right wing populism, racism and nationalism. This despair


20. There is no period of history that corresponds exactly to the times we are living through. As we have described many times before the economic crisis which began in 2008, and from which capitalism

Perspectives for the two parties in one

24. The current situation in the Labour Party - two parties within one - cannot continue indefinitely. The attempt of the representatives of capitalism to depose Corbyn in the immediate aftermath of the

The need for a party that is against cuts in words and deeds

35. The retreats by Corbyn have immediate and practical consequences on the lives of millions. In particular, it has meant, up until now, that Labour councils are continuing to implement brutal austerity


41. In Wales Labour faces some serious defeats in the council elections this year. In the Assembly elections it held on to 29 seats - enough to keep control with a Lib Dem minister - but this masked a

Socialist Party’s role

44. It is our role to fight for every step forward for the workers' movement. The battle inside the Labour Party is one front in the struggle, but it is not the only or ultimately the most important one

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