Socialist Party, formerly Militant


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Home The Socialist back issues The Socialist back issues 2007

The Socialist back issues 2007

The Socialist issue 473: BLAIR MUST GO!

The Socialist issue 473

The Socialist issue 474: Scrap student fees now

The Socialist issue 474

The Socialist, issue 475: Bush & Blair: Get out of Iraq

Articles from the Socialist, issue 475

The Socialist, issue 476: NHS crisis: clean out the profiteers

Articles from the Socialist, issue 476

The Socialist, issue 477: Brown’s pay cut insult

Articles from the Socialist, issue 477

The Socialist, issue 478: £billions for rich… Pennies for us!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 478

The Socialist, issue 480: Council workers fight pay cut scandal

Articles from the Socialist, issue 480

The Socialist, issue 481: Children suffer in low pay Britain

Articles from the Socialist, issue 481

The Socialist, issue 482: Fight for a socialist alternative

Articles from the Socialist, issue 482

The Socialist, issue 483: Kick big business out of the NHS

Articles from the Socialist, issue 483

The Socialist, issue 485: Time for a new workers’ party

Articles from the Socialist, issue 485

The Socialist, issue 486: Workers need a political voice

Articles from the Socialist, issue 486

The Socialist, issue 487: Good riddance to Blair!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 487

The Socialist, issue 488: Fight Brown’s pay freeze

Articles from the Socialist, issue 488

The Socialist, issue 489: The Socialist, issue 489: No to McJobs

Articles from the Socialist, issue 489

The Socialist, issue 490: Labour cheats NHS

Articles from the Socialist, issue 490

The Socialist, issue 491: Fight for a living wage

Articles from the Socialist, issue 491

The Socialist, issue 492: New PM, same old Bosses’ agenda

Articles from the Socialist, issue 492

The Socialist, issue 493: Support postal workers

Articles from the Socialist, issue 493

The Socialist, issue 494: Brown’s government for the rich

Articles from the Socialist, issue 494

The Socialist, issue 496: Build a new workers’ party

Articles from the Socialist, issue 496

The Socialist, issue 497: Flood crisis: New Labour ignored warnings

Articles from the Socialist, issue 497

The Socialist, issue 498: Solidarity with postal workers

Articles from the Socialist, issue 498

The Socialist, issue 500: Strike against public sector pay cap

Articles from the Socialist, issue 500

The Socialist, issue 501: Fighting Unions Need a New party

Articles from the Socialist, issue 501

The Socialist, issue 502: Nationalise the banks

Articles from the Socialist, issue 502

The Socialist, issue 503: Support the postal workers

Articles from the Socialist, issue 503

The Socialist, issue 505: Unity with the postal workers

Articles from the Socialist, issue 505

The Socialist, issue 507: Public health not private wealth

Articles from the Socialist, issue 507

The Socialist, issue 508: NHS: Kick big business out!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 508

The Socialist, issue 510: World economy: bosses’ crisis, workers pay

Articles from the Socialist, issue 510

The Socialist, issue 511: Profit system wrecks climate

Articles from the Socialist, issue 511

The Socialist, issue 512: Nationalise the banks!

Articles from the Socialist, issue 512

The Socialist, issue 513: System change not climate change

Articles from the Socialist, issue 513