Articles from the Socialist, issue 530
23 April 2008
The rich get richer… and we foot the bill!
Editorial: Brown’s government lurching from pillar to post
Socialist Party workplace news
Merlin school teachers on their picket line in March 2008, photo Martin Powell-Davies |
TEACHERS ACROSS England and Wales are out on the streets on 24 April, many on strike for the first time in their lives, writes Linda Taaffe, Waltham Forest NUT.
Shelter workers escalate action
Oil workers to strike back at pensions threat
Socialist Party election campaign
“Socialist councillors are the only ones who’ve ever stood up for this area and taken the time to listen to us, I’ll definitely be voting for Dave” – this was typical of the responses received by Socialist Party supporter, writes Richard Groves, Coventry West Socialist Party.
Socialist Party news and analysis
Gloucester says… ‘save our post offices’
Why drug firms should be nationalised
The Socialist Interview
Jersey – Growing anger against elite of secrets
GARY MATTHEWS, who was a Jersey Left Green MP from 1993-96, spoke to Jon Dale. Now living in Derbyshire, Gary is still active in the Time for Change group on Jersey, which has a founding conference on 27 April.
Socialist Party feature
How can we defeat the far right?
The far-right, racist British National Party (BNP) is hoping to gain a seat on the Greater London Assembly on 1 May, as well as more councillors round the country. The Socialist outlines Socialist answers to the far-right.
Campaign to unionise migrant workers
Socialist Party review
‘The Conscience of a Liberal’ by Paul Krugman
Reviewed by Peter Taaffe: As the pace of the intractable crisis of world capitalism speeds up and deepens, so the frantic rush to find solutions gathers pace…
International socialist news and analysis
Zimbabwe: Workers’ strength stops arms shipment
WITH SOUTH Africa’s ANC (African National Congress) government split over its attitude towards the Mugabe regime in neighbouring Zimbabwe, South African trade unionists used their strength decisively to act against the regim, writes Keith Dickinson.
Italy: Left leaders opened way for Berlusconi victory