Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Socialist issue 987

21 March 2018

Hands off free school meals

PDF | Audio | 2018 Back issues

The Socialist issue 987

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What we think

spotRussia, spies and nerve agents

Should anyone accept Theresa May’s and the Labour right’s version of events?
Corbyn has correctly cautioned against the rush to judgement to blame Russia for the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

Putin and May, photo CC

Putin and May, photo CC

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotHands off free school meals!

Fight for full funding: This year, the government’s April Fools’ prank is one of the sickest yet. While MPs’ basic salaries rise to £77,379, the Tories want to cut access to free school meals for a million children

spotThe Blairites are NHS privatisers – to save it means sacking them

Alan Milburn was Tony Blair’s health secretary for four years. He accelerated privatisation in office – and now profits from it after leaving

spotCuts harm kids’ health

Workers can beat NHS cuts and sell-offs: Estimates suggest up to 50,000 children and young people will be losing out on vital mental health attention

spotHated Blairite mayor ousted: now fight for a no-cuts Newham!

Hated Blairite mayor of Newham Sir Robin Wales has lost the Labour candidacy. The new candidate, Rokhsana Fiaz, must use council reserves and borrowing powers to end the cuts now

spotThem & us

It’s one world for the super-rich and another for the rest of us. Toffs tell debtors to hang and face sacking for bad behaviour; child poverty soars.

International socialist news and analysis

spotWest Virginia teachers’ strike victory

Militant struggle rolls back bosses’ anti-worker offensive: Striking teachers in the Republican-controlled US state of West Virginia have won a significant pay rise

spotUS school shootings: student walkouts challenge establishment

On 14 March, nearly a million students in the USA walked out of their schools to demand an end to gun violence

spotBrazil: Psol councillor Marielle Franco murdered

There can be no doubt that this murder is related to her struggle against the corruption, violence and racism of the Rio military police and their links to death squads

Workplace news and analysis

spotUCU strike: staff and students unite to continue pensions fight after magnificent 14 days of action

Workers at 64 universities have completed a historic 14-day programme of strike action in defence of pensions

spotHinkley workers win back unpaid wages after sit-in protest

Workers building the Hinkley C nuclear power plant in Somerset have won back unpaid wages after more than 500 staged a two-day sit-in protest

spotStrikers and parents rally again in Newham against academies

Newham teachers and parents rallied again as Avenue Primary School took its tenth day of strike action on 15 January

spotHull college workers ballot for action against mass redundancies

Hull College workers are balloting for strike action to stop devastating management plans for mass redundancies

spotUnions condemn ‘culture of bullying’ at Merseyside hospital

An independent report into the A&E department in Arrowe Park hospital on the Wirral has condemned the NHS trust for a culture of bullying

spotNSSN conference moves

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotRefugees march against racism and to demand rights

The Refugee Rights campaign made a big splash, and what singled them out was that they were refugees fighting for not only their rights but those of the wider working class

spotIdeas matter: help us fight to win with May Day greetings

The May Day greetings deadline for reduced rates is coming: Friday 30 March. Help us get those greetings in!

spotPast fund-raising campaigns show dedication to the fight for socialism

The Socialist Party is under threat of eviction from our national offices in London – in response we have launched a building fund appeal to help us afford new premises

spotWhy I joined: ‘The Socialist Party is at the forefront of defending Corbyn’s anti-austerity leadership’

“I am proud to be part of an organisation where I am valued as a member and that has been consistently at the forefront in defending Corbyn’s anti-austerity leadership and in pushing for the radical transformation of society”

spotHands Off HRI campaign granted judicial review

This challenge has local and national consequences – it is the first serious legal challenge of its kind

spotOver 1,000 on Newcastle NHS march

Over 1,000 socialists, trade unionists, NHS campaigners and supporters marched through Newcastle on 10 March under the banner of ‘Our NHS: no cuts, no closures – no privatisation’

spotRefugee Rights to be launched in Manchester

Please get in touch if you are in Manchester and would like to get involved!


spotRevolutionary physicist and champion of social causes

Obituary – Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018: A lack of the condescension that oozed from most popular science programmes and books, coupled with his outspoken criticism of capitalism, helped cement the groundbreaking cosmologist’s huge popularity

spotThe Socialist inbox

Do you have something to say? Letters to the Socialist’s editors. Corbyn’s customs union; solidarity with Chris Fernandez; nerve agent hypocrisy; Saudi Arabia; Newport rising
