Join the Socialist Party
Sarah Sachs-Eldridge, Socialist Party national organiser
It’s not surprising that 94% of 18 to 24-year-olds don’t trust the Tories to handle our education. All they offer is fees and cuts. But nor can they offer answers on homelessness, poverty, inequality.
The stock exchange may have reached record highs bringing ever-more-obscene wealth to a tiny handful, but for millions of people in Britain and billions across the world, the system that the Tories defend – capitalism – brings only austerity, poverty, war, environmental crisis and misery.
The Tories are incapable of solving our problems because capitalism is based on the pursuit of profits. Inequality and exploitation are at its heart.
The Socialist Party brings together people who want to fight back against this unequal system. We start with the basic but crucial idea that capitalism is not only rotten, it is not the only way to organise society. A socialist society is possible.
We stand for transforming society, taking the top industries into public ownership and democratically planning the economy to meet the needs of all. And we show that change is possible.
The Socialist Party and our sister parties in the Committee for a Workers’ International have a proven record of putting forward ideas that have helped workers and young people win victories. The mass campaign of non-payment of the poll tax that brought down Thatcher, the school student movement that defeated government education attacks in the state of Spain, the first victory for a $15 an hour minimum wage in Seattle in the US, all show that when we organise and fight, we can win.
By joining the Socialist Party you are joining the most determined and effective socialist organisation in the country. Our branches meet every week for inclusive and democratic political discussion and to organise our forces to fight back and to fight for socialist change worldwide.