Sean Brogan, Devon Socialist Party
Devon County Council majority Tory group has passed a budget with a 4.99% rise in the council tax. This is the maximum allowed under government rules, and is a tax that hits those on low incomes. Was it opposed? Yes, but this was left to the Liberal councillors.
The opposition response from Labour group leader, Cllr Hannaford was: “As a responsible opposition, after careful consideration and discussion, we recognise and acknowledged this strongly… We will be supporting and voting for the budget this year”.
Even the Liberals’ plans were to take £6.15 million out of council reserves. The degeneration of the leaders of the Labour Party is there for all to see. Ten years of austerity has seen the closure of youth facilities, community hospitals, and an endless reduction of resources. What do most Labour politicians do but hold up their hands in surrender? The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition is mounting a challenge in Devon and urges others to unite with us to make a fighting stand against all cuts.