Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 1119

3 February 2021

Launching a political alternative to cuts, poverty and job losses

PDF | Audio | 2021 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1119

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Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

spotLaunching a political alternative to cuts, poverty and job losses

spotWhy I am attending the TUSC local elections online conference

spotSouth Yorks TUSC ready for electoral fight

What we think

spotWorkers’ rights and safety: Trade union mobilisation could force more Tory U-turns


spotSocialist Students open letter to Rent Strike network

spotChildren in care: Privatisation is not working

spotMultimillion-pound rental firm demands thousands from homeless asylum seeker

spotCovid outbreak at Kent asylum detention centre: Napier is not fit for purpose

spotNew anti-protest law: State forces want more power to crush the protests that are coming

The Tories are widening their attack on our democratic right to protest.

Workplace news

spotUsdaw conference stripped of democracy by leadership

The executive of retail and distribution workers’ union Usdaw decided to strip back the 2021 conference

spotUsdaw Broad Left rally brings together those campaigning for a fighting union

spotStrong union lead needed to stop DVLA Covid spread

spotHMRC: We demand a pay rise without cuts to terms and conditions

On 1 February, a multi-year pay offer was made to union members in HMRC.

spotWorkers fight British Gas ‘fire-and-rehire’ plans

spotVote Steve Hedley for RMT general secretary

spotThe NEU’s ‘big announcement’ – lessons need to be learned

spotYorkshire aerospace workers strike against pay disparity

spotWorkplace news in brief

The Communist Manifesto

spotThe Communist Manifesto – A guide to understanding society, and how to change it


spot1971: Rolls-Royce crisis – when the Tories nationalised in order to secure the interests of British capitalism

Readers’ opinion

spotGameStop: Billionaires hurt at their own game

spotThe Socialist Inbox

International news

spotCovid ‘vaccine wars’ underline failure of capitalist nation states to deal with the global pandemic

Campaigns news

spotNew members meeting in the South West – preparing for the battles to come

spotWhy I rejoined the Socialist Party

spotHelp us raise the funds to fuel the working-class fightback

spotSave our square: we need social housing and public services

spotStop Labour council’s eviction of Stratford Circus arts centre
